Jonathan Quail

The Letting Go & Breath Coach
My Blog Archive

Thanks for coming here to read some of my past Blog Post Reflections on Inspirational Quotes I've selected. If you'd like some help with applying these principles in your life or business, please Click Here to Find Out More About My Services and you are welcome to Get in Touch With Me. I hope to connect with you and be able to help you soon! 

Warm Regards


P.S. If you'd like these Blog Posts to be emailed to you along with a Daily Inspirational Quote and Video Reflection, click the Button below: 

Past Blog Posts

Originally Posted by Jonathan Quail on the 20th of May 2019
“Expectation feeds frustration. It is an unhealthy attachment to people, things and outcomes we wish we could control, but don't.”    
 - Dr. Steve Maraboli, American author, speaker and behavioural scientist

This quote resonated with me because over the last few days, I've found myself getting frustrated with slow Internet speeds that have prevented me from uploading videos and sending out my Daily Inspirational Quotes and Video Reflections or Life Hacks.

But the hypocritical madness of allowing myself to get frustrated when the message in all my quotes and videos is to let negative emotions like frustration go hit me when I saw this quote. So, I decided to apply it - I took a few deep breaths and just let go of the expectation that was the root cause of my frustration by asking myself a few simple questions:

1. Is it really realistic to expect that everything will always run smoothly and go according to plan?
2. Does it really matter that I haven’t sent out emails for the last couple of days?
3. What is good about the situation?
4. What can I do about the problem?

The answer to question number 1 is obvious: expecting things always to go smoothly and to plan in this world is a completely unrealistic expectation that will only set me up for frustration and a permanent sense of inadequacy and failure - which is exactly what my ego wants me to think and feel because these thoughts and feelings make it real.

Answer number 2 is also fairly obvious: no, it doesn't really matter - no one was harmed or really suffered because I didn't send out a couple of emails. In fact, the vast majority of people on my mailing list would not have even noticed they didn't receive an email from me over the weekend.

I had to think a bit to find answers for question 3, but here's the thing: no matter how bad a situation appears to be, there's always something positive that you can see in it. So here's my list of good things that have come out of the situation:

1. I've been given the opportunity to write this Reflection, which I really enjoy doing.
2. I've posted this Quote and Reflection in my Blog, so it's made me write a new Blog post that people who aren't on my mailing list (like you?) are able to read.
3. It's given me an opportunity to let go of another part of my ego and free my mind just a little bit more.
4. It's made me do something constructive about the situation - 10 Mbps speed and unlimited data is now on its way (Note: it's still 'on it's way' two weeks later as I re-post this from my main Blog Page to this archive, so yet another lesson in letting go of expectation!)

When looked at from these perspectives, my problems and temporary frustration were actually a very good thing - absolutely perfect in their apparent imperfection.

You can ask yourself the same questions I asked myself whenever you find yourself getting frustrated, angry or upset in any way over anything. Take a few deep breaths through your nose, ask yourself each question, pause to reflect on it and let the answers come. You may want to write these answers down as they come, because reading through them will help you to complete the shift in perspective and mindset to make sure you have truly let go of any negative thought or emotion about the situation and restored your peace of mind.

I suggest writing these 4 questions down or printing out this article so you have them to hand the next time you get frustrated or upset about something:

1. Is it really realistic to expect that everything will always run smoothly and go according to plan?
2. Does this apparent problem really matter?
3. What is good about the situation?
4. What can I do about the problem?

If you feel like you need a bit more help to let go of your 'stuff', you are invited to Register for the FREE Art of Letting Go Webinar I'll be running this coming Thursday at 7 pm UK time (8 pm SA time) during which I'll show you How to Let Go of Any Negative, Stressful Thought or Emotion in Minutes and Find Your Flow in Life (Without Having to Do Another Webinar for Your Personal Growth or Healing Ever Again).

During the Webinar, I'll be guiding you through a powerful Two-Step Letting Go Process I've developed that will enhance the effect of asking yourself the 4 Questions and help you Drop Any Negativity in minutes. You'll get Instant Access to the instructions for the Two-Step Letting Go Process when you register for the Webinar.

Until next week, have an inspired week, and to help you do that, remember that anything Negative that seems to happen to you or anyone else is really Just Another Opportunity to Let Go and Find Your Flow

Yours in Flow


P.S. If you'd like to be notified on Facebook when I post my Daily Inspirational Quotes and Video Reflections, Click Here to Like the Lifebuild Facebook Page.

P.P.S. If you know someone whom you think needs a dose of Inspiration, why not share this page with them now?

"Peace - less anxiety, sleep better, I don't take pain killers anymore for stress headaches (really!), better relationships with my children, not as frightened or worried."
- Robyn B, Art of Letting Go Course Graduate (about her life since doing The Course) 

Originally Posted by Jonathan Quail on the 12th of May 2019
“I am responsible for what I see.
  I choose the feelings I experience
  And I decide upon the goal I would achieve,
  And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for,
  And I receive as I have asked.”    
-  A Course in Miracles (T:21.2.3-5)

This is a great quote from my favourite spiritual teaching and book - A Course in Miracles (ACIM) - because it challenges us to accept full responsibility for whatever we experience, especially the negative, apparently hurtful things we will all experience quite frequently in life.

If you can take full responsibility for anything negative you experience rather than projecting your own guilt for what you subconsciously think you've done to yourself onto others by accusing, blaming or complaining about them, which is the ego's default modus operandi, you'll be undoing the ego's insane thought system based on guilt, fear and attack systematically and seeing every negative experience as what it really is - an opportunity to Let Go of Your Negativity and Experience Happiness, Peace and Love (which I collectively call 'Flow') instead.

I've recorded a video during which I expand on this Week's quote and my brief Reflection above in a lot more detail and give you a deeper insight into the profoundly freeing thought system ACIM teaches.

If what I've said in the Video resonates with you and you'd like to find out more about ACIM and how you can apply it to Let Go of Any Negative, Stressful Thought or Emotion in Minutes and Find Your Flow in Life, you're invited to join me for the FREE Art of Letting Go Webinar I'll be running this coming Thursday at 7 pm UK time (8 pm SA time)

During the Webinar, I'll also be guiding you through the Ten-Step Letting Go Process I've developed that is a synthesis of the profound teachings in ACIM into a fairly simple process that even someone not familiar with ACIM can use to help them let go of any negativity in minutes.

I'll also be running another Free Webinar this week Thursday from 7 pm UK time (8 pm SA time) during which I'll be guiding those who join the Webinar through the Ten-step Letting Go Process.  

I thought I'd also mention that I'll be choosing an Inspirational Quote and posting a short Video Reflection on it every day (except Fridays) on the Lifebuild Facebook Page and every second day, I'll be giving you a 'Life Hack' - a practical Technique or Process you can use to improve your life immediately - as part of my Video Reflection.

If you'd like me to, I'll also send you a short email every day with the Quote for the day and a link to the Video Reflection on it. To get these Daily Inspirational Quotes & Reflections (and every second day, I'll be giving you a 'Life Hack' - a practical Technique or Process you can use to improve your life immediately) - sent to you, please Sign Up to My Mailing List by clicking the button below, then entering your full name and email address in the form that pops up and hitting 'Subscribe': 

I thought I'd also mention that I'll be choosing an Inspirational Quote and posting a short Video Reflection on it every day (except Fridays) on the Lifebuild Facebook Page as part of my Reflection. To catch up with the last week of Daily Inspirational Quotes and Video Reflections, Click Here to visit our Facebook Page. While you're there, 

Thanks for reading this and I wish you an inspired day and week ahead. To help you stay that way, remember that anything negative that seems to happen to you is really Just Another Opportunity to Let Go and Find Your Flow!

Yours in Flow


P.S. If you know someone whom you think needs a dose of Inspiration, why not share this page with them now?

P.P.S. If you'd like to be notified on Facebook when I post my Daily Inspirational Quotes and Video Reflections, Click Here to like our Facebook Page.   

"(The coaching session) helped me release 'emotional baggage' I carried around for over 5 years! So for me it was life transforming for now & for the future… I also understand I have been the cause of my own pain… Thank you so much!"                                           
- Jothie H, Coaching Client

Originally Posted by Jonathan Quail on the 5th of May 2019
“Do you know of someone whose main function in life seems to be to make themselves and others miserable, to spread unhappiness? Forgive them, for they too are part of the awakening of humanity. The role they play represents an intensification of the nightmare of egoic consciousness, the state of non-surrender. There is nothing personal in all this. It is not who they are.”         
- Eckhart Tolle, German spiritual teacher and author

Do you know someone who seems to take pleasure in causing suffering and making other people unhappy? A few years ago, I was given the opportunity to be involved in a business venture with someone like this whose modus operandi was deceit, greed and constant attacks on others, all done in the course of running his so-called 'business', which unsurprisingly, still hasn't generated any revenue four years later, but has taken millions of pounds of investors' money.

Perhaps you know someone like this whose main purpose in life seems to be to spread misery and unhappiness. And perhaps this person has caused or continues to arouse feelings of anger and resentment in you, which seem to be entirely justified based on their outrageously unacceptable behaviour.

But ask yourself if these thoughts and feelings are really helpful or if they actually only cause you to suffer, which gives this person the power to negatively affect you and your life even when you are not physically in their presence or communicating with them. And consider that, if you do consciously choose to let these negative thoughts and emotions they arouse in you go, then this person has really done you an invaluable service by helping you to see and experience your own darkness and release it.

This is why I said earlier that I was given the 'opportunity' to meet and work with this person and why Eckhart Tolle says that these kinds of negative people are playing a role in the awakening of humanity as intensifiers of the nightmare of egoic consciousness - they help us to see clearly the horrible effects of the ego's thought system and make an equally clear choice to let it go.

This mirroring effect in human relationships is the quickest way to 'see' your own ego and free yourself from it and all its ill effects, so you should really be grateful to people who seem to be especially evil and out to 'push all your buttons' as they represent great forgiveness opportunities which, if you take them, will lead you to experience the state of unshakeable happiness and peace called enlightenment.

If you struggle to forgive people who have seemingly wronged you, I'd like to Give You a Ten-step Letting Go Process I've created based on over 13 years of studying and teaching the most profound spiritual teaching and book on the planet.

I've also recorded a Guided Letting Go Theta Meditation that will take you into a deep state of meditation and guide you through this Ten-step Letting Go Process.

I'll also be running another Free Webinar this week Thursday from 7 pm UK time (8 pm SA time) during which I'll be guiding those who join the Webinar through the Ten-step Letting Go Process.  

Until next week, try practising the Ten-Step Letting Go technique whenever you feel angry or upset with someone because of what they've said or done. And you can use it to deep-clean your mind of any resentment you may still be feeling towards someone whom you perceive really treated you badly in the past. 

I'm sure you'll find it very helpful in finding the peace of mind that comes from practising true forgiveness. Please do post your comments about your 'forays in forgiveness' on the main page of this Blog. As they say in the Star Wars movies, "May the Force be with you!"

Warm Wishes 


P.S. I've started posting a Daily Inspirational Quote and Video Reflection on the Lifebuild Facebook Page, so if you'd like to get notified about these posts and get a daily dose of inspiration via Facebook, Click Here to like our Facebook Page.   

"(The coaching session) helped me release 'emotional baggage' I carried around for over 5 years! So for me it was life transforming for now & for the future… I also understand I have been the cause of my own pain… Thank you so much!"                                           
- Jothie H, Coaching Client

Originally Posted by Jonathan Quail on the 28th of April 2019
“The only things that would be lacking or missing in your human relationships are the things you don’t bring to them.”         
- Charles B. Anderson, American Spiritual Teacher and Author

This simple quote beautifully captures the basic law governing all relationships in this world: other people and our relationships to them are really mirrors in which we see our own flaws and imperfections reflected back to us.
Our egos would then have us blame and judge the other person or people for the very faults that are also our own, a neat trick that keeps our false separate identity based on guilt and sin alive and our sense of separation from the person or people intact. All of which will never make us happy, but then that is not the purpose of these special relationships for the ego - in fact it's purpose is to make you as miserable as possible because happiness is the biggest threat to the the ego's existence.

The only way out of this trap that even the most 'spiritual' of people (myself included) fall into over and over again is True Forgiveness, or as I prefer calling it, 'Letting Go' because it's less easily misunderstood. Whenever you truly forgive or let go, you will see beyond the illusion of separation, guilt and sin to the truth that everyone is in essence the same, as we have the same ultimate Source and Identity, That which Is the formless Essence of all Life.
So next time you want to judge and condemn someone for their faults and not loving you as you feel you deserve, ask yourself if you really want to judge and condemn yourself, which is what you're really doing, and forgive them instead.

If you feel you need some help with this, you can Get Immediate Access to a Powerful Ten-step Letting Go Process I've created based on over 13 years of intensively studying the most profound Spiritual Teaching on the planet by Clicking Here.

Then give them the love you feel you deserve, even if how they've behaved doesn't seem to make them deserving of your love, because their unloving behaviour is really just your own lack of self-love being reflected back to you and the most powerful way to start loving yourself is to start forgiving and loving the people who are closest to you.

Until next week, try seeing only love or a call for love and responding only with love to every person and situation.

Yours In Letting Go


P.S. I'm running another FREE Webinar on The Art of Letting Go this week Thursday evening. If you'd like to learn How to Let Go of Any Stressful Thought or Emotion in Minutes, Sleep Better and Find Peace of Mind Without Having To Spend a Fortune on Therapy Bills or Taking Pills Ever Again, Click the Button Below to Find Out More and Book Your Place Now. ..

"Peace - less anxiety, sleep better, I don't take pain killers anymore for stress headaches (really!), better relationships with my children, not as frightened or worried.” 
– Robyn B, Art of Letting Go Course Graduate and working mother in her late 40s


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"(The coaching session) helped me release 'emotional baggage' I carried around for over 5 years! So for me it was life transforming for now & for the future… I also understand I have been the cause of my own pain… Thank you so much!"                                           
- Jothie H, Coaching Client

Originally Posted by Jonathan Quail on the 20th of April 2019
“Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment - the key to all inner transformation. Whenever you are conscious of the breath, you are absolutely present. You may also notice that you cannot think and be aware of your breathing. Conscious breathing stops your mind.”        
- Eckhart Tolle, German Spiritual Teacher and Author

I love this quote by Eckhart Tolle, which beautifully encapsulates the power of simply becoming conscious of the most basic thing we all do thousands of times every day to keep us alive, but which most people do completely unconsciously: Breathe. If you're familiar with the unruly nature of what Buddhists call the 'Monkey Mind', you'll know how difficult it is to stop its incessant and useless chatter that only disturbs your peace of mind.

Trying to stop it directly is like saying to your mind, 'Don't think of pink elephants'. The first thing you'll think about when you try not to think of pink elephants is... pink elephants! So trying not to think about something doesn't work and seems only to make the monkey mind more determined to engage in its idle thoughts. The way to overcome its chatter is to give it something else to focus on, just as you would give a barking dog a bone to chew to shut it up, and the simplest, most ever-present thing you can focus it on is... your Breath.

Breathing deeply and slowly through your nose while you focus all your attention on your breathing for a few minutes will help you to quieten your mind, let your idle thoughts go and find the calm and serenity that transcend them. This is the true level of the Mind where negative thoughts and the toxic emotions they engender cannot enter and it feels happy and at peace.

For the next week, try practising this little breathing meditation exercise for a minute or two whenever you're feeling like your monkey mind is getting out of control, as well as for 10 uninterrupted minutes at least once (and preferably twice) a day - the early morning just after you've woken up and early evening are both good times to do it.

If you find these simple exercises helpful and you want to explore the benefits of conscious breathing in more depth, join me this coming Thursday evening for a FREE Webinar I'll be giving that will show you How to Let Go of Any Negative Thought or Emotion in Minutes and Find Your Flow in Life by Harnessing the Power of Your Breath.

Until next week's post, remember Just to Breathe when your monkey mind gets up to its tricks so you can put it back in the box where it belongs and ultimately, banish it completely from your Mind.

You see, Learning to Control Your Breath is the Quickest and Easiest Way to Learn to Control Your Mind. That's how powerful this simple thing you've taken for granted all your life, but which keeps you alive minute by minute, really is.

I'll be helping the people who Join the Webinar this Thursday to explore the Power of their Breath experientially by guiding them through a couple of simple but powerful breathing exercises. If you'd like to be one of them, Click Here.

Have an inspired week ahead and remember whenever you become aware of any negative thought or emotion, instead of stressing or fretting - Just Breathe Deeply, Let Go and Find Your Flow...

Yours in Flow


P.S. If you'd like to get a taste of what I'll be sharing during the Webinar, you can Get Instant Access to a Powerful Two-Step Letting Go Process that will help you to Let Go of Any Negative Thought or Emotion in Minutes when you Register for the Webinar - Just Click the Button Below, Register for the Webinar using the form that will pop up after a few seconds and you'll be given Instant Access to the Two-Step Letting Go Process and a Free Trial Voucher for the Art of Letting Go Course Valued at £100.  

"Peace - less anxiety, sleep better, I don't take pain killers anymore for stress headaches (really!), better relationships with my children, not as frightened or worried.” 
– Robyn B, Art of Letting Go Course Graduate and working mother in her late 40s


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"Just wanted to say you are a great coach, You made me feel I could actually do this. Thank you." 
- Jackie M, NLP Practitioner

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